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Tort Law: Responsibilities and Redress (w/ Connected eBook with Study Center) (Rental)
- Edition : 5th ed., 2021
- Author(s) : Goldberg, Sebok, Zipursky
Tort Law: Responsibilities and Redress (w/ Connected eBook with Study Center)
- ISBN: 9781543806809
- SKU: 93262
- Condition: New
- Format: Hardcover/Access Code
List Price: $352.00
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Tort Law: Responsibilities and Redress (w/ Connected eBook with Study Center) (Instant Digital Access Code Only)
- SKU: 93262E
- Format: Digital Access Code
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Tort Law: Responsibilities and Redress (w/ Connected eBook with Study Center) (Rental)
- ISBN: 9781543806809
- SKU: 93262C
- Condition: New
- Format: Hardcover/Access Code
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- A pristine, unused rental copy of the textbook (which must be returned by the end of your course semester), with no highlighting or writing restrictions,
- Immediate, lifetime access to the digital copy of that edition of the textbook, and
- Access to the Interactive Study Center where you can utilize outlining tools, self-assessment tools that will show you your strengths and weaknesses, and online study aids including curated excerpts and practice questions from leading study aids such as Examples & Explanations and Glannon Guides.
What is a Connected Casebook?
In an effort to offer more affordable, and powerful, law school textbook options to law students, Aspen Publishers/Wolters Kluwer Legal Education is now offering Connected Casebook versions of some of their textbook titles. With Connected Casebook versions, you get all of this:
What is the benefit of a Connected Casebook?
With Connected Casebook titles, you really do get more for less! Connected Casebook items are discounted up to 25% off of the price of their respective non-Connected Casebook versions.
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Purchase or rental of a new Connected eBook with Study Center includes a new print textbook PLUS a full ebook version of your text; outlining and case briefing tools; a variety of practice questions; straightforward explanations of complex legal concepts; and progress indicators to help you better allocate your study time.
Order now to get INSTANT ACCESS to the ebook and other digital tools — just redeem the access code sent in your order confirmation email!
Tort Law: Responsibilities and Redress presents tort law as a complex but coherent subject. The authors have arranged the materials to be both highly sophisticated and extremely user friendly. This book has been adopted at schools across the country and always receives high praise from faculty and students for its relevant, contemporary cases, extensive and informative notes, and its 500+ page, cradle-to-grave Teacher’s Manual. The Fifth Edition of Tort Law: Responsibilities and Redress has been updated to reflect the very latest developments in tort law, including discussions of new developments in civil rights law (pertaining especially to excessive force claims against police), as well as public nuisance, toxic torts, and new draft provisions of the Third Restatement of Torts: Intentional Torts to Persons. The book also contains “Check Your Understanding,” “Big Think,” and “Did You Know?” text boxes designed to enable students to engage in self-assessment, along with a user-friendly page layout. A comprehensive set of high-quality PowerPoint slides covering all principal cases is also available to adopters.
New to the Fifth Edition:
- Additional “Check Your Understanding,” “Big Think” and “Did you Know?” text boxes enable students to engage in self-assessment as they proceed through their Torts class
- New materials on civil rights litigation, public nuisance, toxic torts and the Intentional Torts provisions of the Third Restatement.
- User-friendly page layout features helpful photographs, illustrations, and original charts
Order now to get INSTANT ACCESS to the full ebook version of the text; outlining and case briefing tools; a variety of practice questions; and other resources — just redeem the access code sent in your order confirmation email!
This ambitious Tort Law: Responsibilities and Redress casebook makes clear to students that recent developments present the tort system with an array of complex issues beyond the nuts and bolts of accident law. Authors John Goldberg, Anthony Sebok, and Benjamin Zipursky combine their expertise in tort law to provide a casebook for the next generation of torts professors. Here's what makes Tort Law: Responsibilities and Redress an exciting and original entrant into the field:
Overall Presentation emphasizes themes of responsibilities and rights to sue, which permits the coherent presentation of materials while supporting analysis from various practical and theoretical perspectives;
Negligence, international torts, and products liability are sequenced to ensure coverage of all major topics while also permitting the instructor to select among contemporary issues, such as junk science, tobacco litigation, domestic violence and consumer fraud;
Clear, no-hiding-the-ball text permits in-depth analysis of substantive tort concepts while also introducing, students to related topics such as worker s compensation, liability insurance and attorney's fees;
Succinctly edited and up-to-date cases from state and federal courts are integrated with classics such as Carroll Towing and Palsgraf, demonstrating that tort law is a dynamic subject, continually responding to social, political, and economic developments;
Materials are especially designed to facilitate development of common law reasoning, while providing the basis for education in important statutory and administrative developments, such as the 9/11 Victims' Compensation Fund.
The clear and carefully plotted structure of the casebook encourages both in-depth analysis of tort doctrine and engagement with pressing contemporary problems.
Part I uses the famous Winterbottom-MacPherson line of decisions to introduce students to tort law and precedent-based reasoning;
Part II presents a detailed analysis of the elements of negligence;
Part III unites claims for dignitary torts with claims for emotional distress;
Part IV examines traditional notions of strict liability, then moves smoothly to modern product liability law;
Part V offers a choice of four modules respectively addressing tobacco liability, the 9/11 Victims Compensation Fund, tort reform, and domestic violence, permitting broad-ranging policy discussions about the contemporary relevance of tort law. Tort Law: Responsibilities and Redress: Cases and Materials will help you arm you with a sophisticated understanding of the complexity and dynamism of tort law.
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