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Pre-Law Student
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The Art of Advocacy: Briefs, Motions, and Writing Strategies of America's Best Lawyers (w/ Connected eBook) (Instant Digital Access Code Only)
- Edition : 1st ed., 2013
- Author(s) : Messing
The Art of Advocacy: Briefs, Motions, and Writing Strategies of America's Best Lawyers (w/ Connected eBook)
- ISBN: 9781454818380
- SKU: 93430
- Condition: New
- Format: Paperback/Access Code
List Price: $90.00
- Order now and this item SHIPS TODAY!
The Art of Advocacy: Briefs, Motions, and Writing Strategies of America's Best Lawyers (w/ Connected eBook) (Instant Digital Access Code Only)
- SKU: 93430E
- Format: Digital Access Code Only
- Instant Access!
Purchase of a new Connected eBook includes a new print textbook PLUS a full ebook version of your text; outlining and case briefing tools; and other resources.
Order now to get INSTANT ACCESS to the ebook and other digital tools — just redeem the access code sent in your order confirmation email!
The Art of Advocacy: Briefs, Motions, and Writing Strategies of America’s Best Lawyers presents more than 150 examples of masterful advocacy to show lawyers how to write winning motions and briefs. The book focuses on the strategic and substantive choices that top litigators make, drawing examples from important, timely, and controversial cases. Detailed annotations give readers insight into what makes each document so effective. In addition to presenting a host of storytelling, stylistic, and organizational strategies, the book's examples demonstrate how to build and rebut different types of arguments.
The Appendices provide a wealth of additional resources, including Karl Llewellyn’s previously unpublished advice from 1957 about the art of advocacy, which one top law professor described as the “best advice on legal writing I’ve ever seen.”
- Compiles more than 150 examples of masterfully written legal advocacy and analysis
- Succinct introductory text presents the facts of each case
- Detailed annotations by the author highlight
- How to tell your client’s story
- How to build and counter six types of legal argument
- How to organize your arguments
- How to develop a theme
- Excerpts from high-interest cases, such as
- The battle over “Obamacare”
- A massive copyright suit involving YouTube
- BP’s oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico
- Facebook’s infamous feud with the Winklevoss twins
- Apple’s billion-dollar patent dispute with Samsung
- Lance Armstrong’s attempt to retain his Tour de France titles
- Major cases involving gay rights and affirmative action
- For year-long courses, a stellar option for second-semester students
- Perfect for practicing litigators who want to see a playbook of moves and strategies from top lawyers and from major cases
- Stresses strategic choices and the art of building compelling substantive arguments
- Focuses on briefs and motions
- Developing a theme
- Framing issues
- Isolates examples of specific arguments—doctrinal, textual, legislative history policy, and so on
- Innovative layout
Order now to get INSTANT ACCESS to the full ebook version of the text; outlining and case briefing tools; and other resources — just redeem the access code sent in your order confirmation email!
Students crave examples of how to write effectively, and The Art of Advocacy: Briefs, Motions, and Writing Strategies of America’s Best Lawyers satisfies with a powerful “show-don’t-tell” approach. The text thoughtfully compiles approximately 160 short, stellar excerpts of legal advocacy and analysis and demonstrates vital principles by using documents from exciting, timely cases: the WikiLeaks controversy, the Deepwater Horizon litigation, the Independent Counsel’s investigation of President Clinton, Facebook’s battle with the Winklevoss twins, and the prosecution of Bernie Madoff. Detailed annotations give insight into what makes each document so effective, and each chapter ends with one or two unannotated examples for in-class discussion and analysis. For year-long courses, this book is a stellar option for second-semester students. Mirroring the sophistication of doctrinal textbooks, The Art of Advocacy stresses strategic choices and the art of building compelling substantive arguments. The text focuses on briefs and motions¿developing a theme, framing issues, and isolating examples of specific doctrinal, textual, and policy arguments. Many chapters are devoted to the documents lawyers write most often, such as e-mails, letters, memos, and motions. An innovative layout helps students engage with the material. Exemplary Legal Writing contains never-published “private and confidential” 1957 advice on written advocacy from the legendary Karl Llewellyn. A comprehensive Teacher’s Manual provides sample syllabi, additional discussion points, discussion points on the unannotated examples at the end of each chapter, and exercises.
employs a “show-don’t-tell,” example-driven approach
compiles approximately 160 short, stellar excerpts of legal advocacy and analysis
demonstrates vital principles with documents from exciting, timely cases
the WikiLeaks controversy
the Deepwater Horizon litigation
the Independent Counsel’s investigation of President Clinton
Facebook’s battle with the Winklevoss twins
the prosecution of Bernie Madoff, and more
detailed annotations give insight into what makes each document effective
short introductions explain the context and basic facts of the case for which each exemplar was written
chapters end with one or two unannotated examples for in-class discussion and analysis
for year-long courses, a stellar option for second-semester students
stresses strategic choices and the art of building compelling substantive arguments
focuses on briefs and motions
developing a theme
framing issues
isolating examples of specific arguments¿doctrinal, textual, and policy
example-based chapters show documents lawyers write most often (e-mails, letters, memos, motions, etc.)
innovative layout
contains the legendary Karl Llewellyn’s never-published “private and confidential” advice on written advocacy
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