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Pre-Law Student
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Order by phone 1-866-808-5635 (M-F 9am-5pm CST)
The Glannon Guide to Criminal Procedure
- Edition : 6th ed., 2025
- Author(s) : Cornwell
The Glannon Guide to Criminal Procedure
- ISBN: 9798892075428
- SKU: 10107
- Condition: New
- Format: Paperback
A powerful combination of well-written explanations, multiple-choice questions, analyses, and exam-taking tips, THE GLANNON GUIDE TO CRIMINAL PROCEDURE: Learning Criminal Procedure Through Multiple-Choice Questions and Analysis, prepares you to take any type of exam that might be offered in a Criminal Procedure course. Written by one of the nation’s leading Bar lecturers, it also provides an invaluable review of the core concepts tested in Criminal Procedure on both the multistate and essay sections of the Bar exam.
Honing your understanding of concepts, and your ability to apply the rules, John Kip Cornwell presents a comprehensive, thoughtful review of course content that shows you how to effectively analyze and answer exam questions.
- Multiple-choice questions, pitched at a level similar to that of many law school exams, that are integral to a thorough review of Criminal Procedure topics
- A user-friendly and interactive approach, including text introducing the key cases and concepts that enable a full understanding of subsequent questions and mastery of the material they test
- Clear analysis of both correct and incorrect answers, that clarifies nuances in the law
- A challenging final question, (the “Closer”), at the end of each chapter, that combines all topics introduced in the chapter in a sophisticated, thought-provoking fact pattern
- Summary questions in the final chapter, (“Closing Closers”), that cut across multiple concepts to provide a final review of critical cases and concepts necessary to success on your criminal procedure exam
- Valuable exam-taking pointers, applicable to every type of question, interspersed within the text
- Excellent preparation for the Bar exam, by one of the nation’s leading Bar-exam lecturers in criminal law and procedure
A powerful combination of well-written explanations, multiple-choice questions, analyses, and exam-taking tips, THE GLANNON GUIDE TO CRIMINAL PROCEDURE: Learning Criminal Procedure Through Multiple-Choice Questions and Analysis, prepares you to take any type of exam that might be offered in a Criminal Procedure course. Written by one of the nation’s leading Bar lecturers, it also provides an invaluable review of the core concepts tested in Criminal Procedure on both the multistate and essay sections of the Bar exam.
Honing your understanding of concepts, and your ability to apply the rules, John Kip Cornwell presents a comprehensive, thoughtful review of course content that shows you how to effectively analyze and answer exam questions.
- Multiple-choice questions, pitched at a level similar to that of many law school exams, that are integral to a thorough review of Criminal Procedure topics
- A user-friendly and interactive approach, including text introducing the key cases and concepts that enable a full understanding of subsequent questions and mastery of the material they test
- Clear analysis of both correct and incorrect answers, that clarifies nuances in the law
- A challenging final question, (the “Closer”), at the end of each chapter, that combines all topics introduced in the chapter in a sophisticated, thought-provoking fact pattern
- Summary questions in the final chapter, (“Closing Closers”), that cut across multiple concepts to provide a final review of critical cases and concepts necessary to success on your criminal procedure exam
- Valuable exam-taking pointers, applicable to every type of question, interspersed within the text
- Excellent preparation for the Bar exam, by one of the nation’s leading Bar-exam lecturers in criminal law and procedure
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