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Tort Law in Focus (w/ Connected eBook with Study Center)

  • Edition : 1st ed., 2020
  • Author(s) : Rapp
    • ISBN: 9781543807820
    • SKU: 99673
    • Condition: New
    • Format: Hardcover/Access Code


    List Price: $260.00

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    • SKU: 99673E
    • Format: Digital Access Code Only


    List Price: $260.00

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Purchase or rental of a new Connected eBook with Study Center includes a new print textbook PLUS a full ebook version of your text; outlining and case briefing tools; a variety of practice questions; straightforward explanations of complex legal concepts; and progress indicators to help you better allocate your study time. 

Order now to get INSTANT ACCESS to the ebook and other digital tools — just redeem the access code sent in your order confirmation email!

Tort doctrine is complex and nuanced on its own; a torts casebook that mystifies first year students will not help them develop the core skill of legal analysis. Tort Law in Focus presents concepts in a way that students can understand and apply. Rather than hide the ball, Geoffrey Rapp explains new terms clearly, and guides students in the specific techniques of applying tort law to practice-based problems.  Along with concrete examples, Tort Law in Focus provides clear and thorough introductions to those areas of tort law (such as proximate cause under the dominant and new Restatement approaches; res ipsa; factual cause, including but-for cause and alternatives in special cases like indivisible injuries and alternative causes; the duty of owners and occupiers of land; and comparative negligence) that are especially challenging for first-year law students.